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Speech "Basic temporary light source."
- Pre-Run Shop

Lighters are a light source item that can be found inside containers or on tables, and can be bought in the Pre-Run Shop or the Jeff Shop.

Usage Usage

When active, it will light up a short area around players. Having the lighter active will slowly drain its fuel. Once it is out of fuel, it will be removed from a player's inventory. A lighter at full fuel capacity can be active for 1 minute before being completely depleted.

The fuel of the lighter is divided into 3 bars. Prior to the The Hunt update, it had 4 bars. With each bar consumed (every 33% of total fuel), an extra spark is needed to light it, clicking once on the first bar of fuel, twice on the second, and so on. Note that the fuel will drain while a player is trying to light it.


  • A lighter's fuel cannot be replenished. The only way to "refuel" a lighter is to find and swap it with another lighter with more fuel.
    • The game will not allow players to swap their lighter for another lighter with less fuel.
  • It is recommended that players only use lighters in dark rooms.
    • Using a light source greatly reduces the chance of Screech spawning.
  • Should all players have lighters with more than 50% fuel, lighters will stop spawning.
  • Once a player has found a Flashlight, lighters will stop spawning.
  • Lighters can spawn as early as the Reception room.
  • In The Mines, if you crouch in water, your lighter will drain whether it is equipped or not.


  • If a player swaps lighters at the same time as it runs out of fuel both lighters will be removed from their inventory
  • If a player equips a different item during the lighter's "turning on" animation, their hands will still be animated as if they're turning on a lighter.
    • The same animation bug happens with the Flashlight and the Shakelight.
    • If Vitamins are equipped during the animation, players will perform a "using" animation.
  • When equipping a lighter, its lid may not be open, causing it to be impossible to turn on. This can be fixed by re-equipping the lighter.

Trivia Pros and Cons


  • Relatively common item on any normal floors.
  • Medium radius and great for multiplayer.
  • Can light up Candle at cost of 2 seconds of fuel.


  • 1 minute fuel time.
  • May takes longer to light up when fuel time is lower.
  • Randomized fuel time 50%-100% when found on any Containers.
  • Causes Gloombats to attack
  • Can make noise for Figure to hear it. (Could be a pro if you wanna lure figure away from a teammate.)
  • Light is not projected "outwards", unlike the Flashlight and Shakelight.
  • Stops spawning on The Hotel when a Flashlight with high enough charge is in a player's inventory.
  • Can cause you to explode if used in Firedamp leak rooms in The Mines.
  • Being underwater causes it to lose fuel whether it is being used or not.

Trivia Trivia

  • The lighter was given a special use in The Mines Update, being to light Candles for extra light sources.
  • In the past, players would receive the message "You swapped your Lighter" when exchanging an existing lighter for another lighter. This was removed in the Hotel+ update.
    • This was replaced with a visual indicator showing how much fuel was gained instead.
  • Prior to The Hunt Update, players would receive the message "Your Lighter ran out of fuel" when a lighter's durability ran out.
    • This was replaced with a visual indicator showing that the lighter has ran out of fuel instead.
  • The lighter has the shortest durability out of all the light sources in the game, being only 1 minute.
  • The specific type of lighter the game uses is a zippo lighter, which unlike other lighters uses a wick and a spark from flint in order to work.

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Behavior Entities
The Lobby
Curious LightSeekTimothyWindow
The Hotel
Floor 1
Guiding LightCurious LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGlitchHaltHideJackJeffRushScreechSeekShadowSnareTimothyVoidWindow
The Mines
Floor 2
Guiding LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGiggleGlitchGloombatsGrumbleHaltHideJackJeffQueen GrumbleRushScreechSeekShadowTimothyVoid
The Backdoor
Curious LightBlitzGlitchHasteLookman
The Rooms
Curious LightA-60A-90A-120Glitch
Door Locations
The Lobby
The Hotel
Floor 1
ElevatorThe ReceptionThe Meeting RoomThe Grand HallwayThe LibraryJeff ShopThe BasementThe Dining HallThe InfirmaryThe CourtyardThe GreenhouseThe Electrical Room
The Mines
Floor 2
ElevatorThe AditThe ShaftsThe GrottoThe CavernsThe NestJeff ShopThe SewersThe Railway StationThe Sewage PipesThe DamThe Woods
The Backdoor
Room -51Two Gates RoomRoom -01
The Rooms
A-0000Exit RoomsA-1000
Usage Mechanics

Icons ladder Climbing Dresser ContainersXbox Button X ControlsBEHAVIOR0 Death ScreenSpeech DialogueHIDING HidingReceptionBell InteractablesINTERACT LootingMODIFIERS ModifiersReviveicon RevivesRift Door100 RiftLockdoor Room MechanicsCURRENCY Shops


DAMAGE DamageHEALTH HealthBetterInventoryIcon InventorySpeedboosticon Movement SpeedHerbherbherb Status Effects

KnobBoost BoostsKnobs CodesGold GoldKnobs Knobs

ALARMCLOCK Alarm ClockBandage BandagesImages-icon bandagepack Bandage PackChug Jug of Starlight Icon Barrel of StarlightBattery BatteriesBatteryPackORIGINAL Battery PackBottleStarLightNew Bottle of StarlightIcon Handheld Flashlight BulklightIcon candle CandleBreakerSwitch Circuit Breaker SwitchesIcon crucifix2 CrucifixElectrical Room Key Electrical Room KeyFlashlight backdoor update FlashlightFuse icon FusesGlowstick Icon2 GlowstickCrucifixApril Holy Hand GrenadeLaserPointerIcon Laser PointerLibrary Book Library BookIcon lighter2 LighterIcon lockpick2 LockpickMini shield icon real Mini Shield PotionScanner Icon NVCS-3000PossesedCandleIcon Possessed CandlePuzzle Painting Puzzle PaintingIcon key2BackdoorKeyRetro Key Room KeyIcon Shakelight ShakelightShearsIcon ShearsBig sheild pot Shield PotionIcon skeletonkey2 Skeleton KeySolution Paper Solution PaperAnglehead Icon StraplightStar Vial Vial of StarlightIcon vitamins Vitamins

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