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The observation of some of these secrets require the use of exploits, cheats, and/or scripts; the DOORS Wiki does not condone these procedures. Roblox accounts that practice these methods risk being banned and/or terminated.

For paintings and their references, see Paintings. For achievements and their references, see Achievements.

Secrets and/or Easter Eggs may refer to "hidden messages", entities, audio, items, interactables, locations, and/or the like, which allude to a subject that exists within or outside of DOORS.

This page lists all secrets that have been discovered within the game. Undiscovered secrets may also exist.

Overview Lobby Secrets

Look Behind you Easter Egg
Whenever a player looks at the developer console (F9 or /console), the game prints out the phrase "Look behind you" to the output as they start the game, in both the lobby and a run. Previously, this phrase could be used as a code, which granted players 10 knobs upon redemption.


FNaF 2 Ambience can be heard from behind a closed door in the Lobby.

Damage Secret Entities

Old A―60
Speech "WHAT WAS THAT??"
- KreekCraft upon hearing and spotting A-60

During a YouTube livestream by YouTuber KreekCraft, he played a hard-coded event in the game that spawned multiple entities. After dying, KreekCraft was presented with a unique death screen that displayed a custom death message. During the death screen sequence, A-60 could be seen traveling through the doorway, producing a red glow and different audio than that of Rush and Ambush.[1]

This was previously unable to be encountered without being spawned by a dev. However, with the Hotel+ Update it is now encounterable within The Rooms via normal means.

Speech "Well, they programmed... the troll... into the game."
- KreekCraft informing his viewers of the TrollFace's existence.

TrollFace was seen in multiple KreekCraft streams after/while getting trolled by the developers. It emits the Trololo song once spawned and, upon spawning, moves incredibly fast and instant-kills players.[2] And in most cases, after Kreek dies, the Trollface moves across the screen as if to say "you just got trolled."[3] It comes with its own unique death message, as well as also seeming to have it's own gravitational pull. It also appears during the 2023 April Fools Event.

This is a joke entity, meaning it cannot appear through regular means in the game.

Bald Kreek
Speech "It's me. It's me. I just died... from me. I just died from me."
- KreekCraft after seeing how he died

Another entity called Bald Kreek appeared in KreekCraft's stream.[4] The entity was the infamous Bald Kreek meme, depicted as KreekCraft after shaving his head bald. It emits the same song that Trollface plays. Although Bald Kreek killed him, there was no unique death message. It also appears during the 2023 April Fools Event.

This is a joke entity, meaning it cannot appear through regular means in the game.

Usage Secret Items

Jeff's Tip Jar is an item introduced in The Backdoor update, and can only be obtained with exploits. Trying to use this item does nothing.

Hackers Favorite Items

M249 is an item that can be seen using Dex Explorer, attempting to buy from Pre-Run Shop will get you killed by Anti-Cheat Ambush.

What Triggers Anti-Cheat Ambush? This Thing!

Door Miscellaneous Secrets

An image of Drip Goku accompanied by a Vine boom sound effect has a [5] chance of appearing when clicking the Return to Lobby button on the Death Screen.

Drip Goku

Inside of Figure's model there's a sound labeled "Awesome" and has a volume of 0. When played it makes a version of the meme "oh my god" sound effect. The audio can be found here. This audio is inspired by this video, which is also referenced in the sound's description. It has also been used as the sound of Figure's death on the 2023 April Fools Event.

Inside the room from where Figure comes out at from the door at the final phase of the The Electrical Room, a BaldCraft image can be found.

Secret Electrical room 1 Kreeek

Previously, before the Hotel+ update, there was a secret room behind The Reception. At the end of this room, there was a big bright white part that emitted a secret soundtrack[6]. Players could access the secret room by clipping onto The Reception desk, walking behind a baggage carrier, and no-clipping through the wall.

When the Hotel+ released, this room was still accesible with the same method, but it was now a small cube. Entering the room would cause Glitch to teleport the players.

After the Backdoor update, a few invisible walls were added in the Reception, making it harder to reach the room, but still possible; and actually a lot easier using speed modifiers. However, if the player enters the room, Glitch won't teleport them, being completely stuck unless another player voides them. However, Glitch still teleports the players in SUPER HARD MODE!!!, as it uses the version previous to the update.[7]

The Void room (Pre-Hotel+) The Void room (Current version)

The Builderman is in Room 100, but it is impossible to see his full model without noclipping. His model is located near the place where the Figure comes from when the gate is opened. For this, the player must go into the doorway where they usually go to the right and take the key to open the Power Room, but to see the Builderman they need to turn on the noclip and go to the left. There, the player will find the model of the character.

Builderman can also be seen through normal means by turning the camera through the wall when spectating another player, however only his right arm will be visible.

Builderman RobloxScreenShot20230319 200440627

Door 101, a secret door found in the void of the Electrical Room, at the end of The Hotel. It can be found by noclipping through one of the walls or by using free cam. This door can be locked using modifiers, in this case, the key will be floating in front of it.

Door 101 no way real DOOR 101 GIF

Door A-1001, a secret door found at the end of The Rooms. It can be found by noclipping through one of the walls or by using free cam.


Door -00, a secret door found at the end of The Backdoor. It can be found by noclipping through one of the walls or by using free cam.

Backdoorinthebackdoor Door -00 (Backdoor) GIF

Door 201, a secret door found an the end of The Mines. It can be found by noclipping through one of the walls or by using free cam.

Door 201 with exploits

The Evil Dollar is an item from The Hunt update. It solely serves as a troll to anyone with the shears in the rift before the item's official debut.

The item cannot be retrieved as it kills the player and removes the rift upon trying to claim it.

The Evil Dollar can still be obtained if an exploiter puts Jeff's tip jar in the rift.

Evil Dollar in Guiding Light's Rift and Curious Light's Rift

I LOVE DOORS is avatar clothing that loads if a player took too long to load in the Elevator at the start of the game. It replaces the default noob.

The avatar contains a shirt, pants, hair and a face. The shirt and the pants were apparently made by fans. The hair and the face were made by Roblox.

CustomAF2024AvatarandEaster Iluvdoors

Gallery References

Behavior Entities
The Lobby
Curious LightSeekTimothyWindow
The Hotel
Floor 1
Guiding LightCurious LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGlitchHaltHideJackJeffRushScreechSeekShadowSnareTimothyVoidWindow
The Mines
Floor 2
Guiding LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGiggleGlitchGloombatsGrumbleHaltHideJackJeffQueen GrumbleRushScreechSeekShadowTimothyVoid
The Backdoor
Curious LightBlitzGlitchHasteLookman
The Rooms
Curious LightA-60A-90A-120Glitch
Door Locations
The Lobby
The Hotel
Floor 1
ElevatorThe ReceptionThe Meeting RoomThe Grand HallwayThe LibraryJeff ShopThe BasementThe Dining HallThe InfirmaryThe CourtyardThe GreenhouseThe Electrical Room
The Mines
Floor 2
ElevatorThe AditThe ShaftsThe GrottoThe CavernsThe NestJeff ShopThe SewersThe Railway StationThe Sewage PipesThe DamThe Woods
The Backdoor
Room -51Two Gates RoomRoom -01
The Rooms
A-0000Exit RoomsA-1000
Usage Mechanics

Icons ladder Climbing Dresser ContainersXbox Button X ControlsBEHAVIOR0 Death ScreenSpeech DialogueHIDING HidingReceptionBell InteractablesINTERACT LootingMODIFIERS ModifiersReviveicon RevivesRift Door100 RiftLockdoor Room MechanicsCURRENCY Shops


DAMAGE DamageHEALTH HealthBetterInventoryIcon InventorySpeedboosticon Movement SpeedHerbherbherb Status Effects

KnobBoost BoostsKnobs CodesGold GoldKnobs Knobs

ALARMCLOCK Alarm ClockBandage BandagesImages-icon bandagepack Bandage PackChug Jug of Starlight Icon Barrel of StarlightBattery BatteriesBatteryPackORIGINAL Battery PackBottleStarLightNew Bottle of StarlightIcon Handheld Flashlight BulklightIcon candle CandleBreakerSwitch Circuit Breaker SwitchesIcon crucifix2 CrucifixElectrical Room Key Electrical Room KeyFlashlight backdoor update FlashlightFuse icon FusesGlowstick Icon2 GlowstickCrucifixApril Holy Hand GrenadeLaserPointerIcon Laser PointerLibrary Book Library BookIcon lighter2 LighterIcon lockpick2 LockpickMini shield icon real Mini Shield PotionScanner Icon NVCS-3000PossesedCandleIcon Possessed CandlePuzzle Painting Puzzle PaintingIcon key2BackdoorKeyRetro Key Room KeyIcon Shakelight ShakelightShearsIcon ShearsBig sheild pot Shield PotionIcon skeletonkey2 Skeleton KeySolution Paper Solution PaperAnglehead Icon StraplightStar Vial Vial of StarlightIcon vitamins Vitamins

Puzzles Miscellaneous
2023 April Fools EventTower Heroes Event2024 April Fools EventTHE HUNT - First EditionTales Of Tanorio Event
AchievementsCodesContainersDamageFloorsGame MechanicsGame SettingsHealthInteractablesItemsList of EntitiesList of HazardsList of LocationsList of Room MechanicsMerchandiseModifiersPaintingsRemoved ContentSecretsSoundtracksThe Three ArchitectsUpcoming ContentUpdate Logs
Game Development
DOORSGhostly_Wowzersjasper_creationsLightning_SplashLSPLASHNormallyAverageRediblesQWUpdate Logs
MakeshipThe RoomsPLS DONATEYoutoozTower Heroes EventTales Of Tanorio Event