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"Oye... who do you think made this page? Soundtracks, I mean."
- El Goblino
Soundtracks is currently a stub. Help the wiki by expanding it! The article will be finished soon.

Content needed: Needs Additional Information section for Volume 4.

Speech "The official soundtrack on the official channel! Hooray! You can find this song and others on my Soundcloud and Spotify."
- The description of the soundtracks on LSPLASH's YouTube channel.

DOORS original soundtracks play at various points throughout the game, in certain videos by LSPLASH, or are hidden within the game's directories. They are composed by Lightning_Splash.

Volume 1 was released on August 10th, 2022.

Volume 2 was released on January 29th, 2023.

Volume 3 was released on April 10th, 2024.

Volume 4 was released on September 21st, 2024.

Listen to it on:

Speech Official soundtracks

Door Vol. 1

No. Title Plays at Length BPM Key Track
1. "Dawn of the Doors" Inside the Lobby. 3:54 (soundtrack)
3:33 (loop)
0:21 (end)
72 BPM B Minor

or D Major

Play (MP3) (loop)
Play (MP3) (end)
2. "Here I Come" During Seek's chase. 1:52 135 BPM D♯/E♭ Major Play (MP3)
3. "Unhinged" The Library sequence with Figure. 3:14 (soundtrack)
0:18 (start)
0:42 (loop)
0:35 (end)
180 BPM F♯/G♭ Minor Play (MP3) (start)
Play (MP3) (loop)
Play (MP3) (end)
4. "Guiding Light" The death message by Guiding Light in the Hotel and the Mines 1:19 148 BPM D Major Play (MP3)
5. "Elevator Jam" Inside the Elevator of the Hotel. 0:39 146 BPM D♯/E♭ Minor Play (MP3)
Additional information
No. Title Name[note 1] In-game location
1. "Dawn of the Doors" "Audio/new beginning 2" (7767530145) (loop)
"Audio/songend" (7767565697) (end)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Main_Lobby.Music (loop)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Main_Lobby.MusicEnd (end)
2. "Here I Come" "Audio/i have to run v2 w beat" (9932603531) game.Workspace.Ambience_Seek
3. "Unhinged" "Audio/the big red mans intro" (start) (10470715177)
"Audio/the big red man" (loop) (10470707502)
"Audio/the big red escape but normal" (end) (10472770795)
game.Workspace.Ambience_FigureStart (start)
game.Workspace.Ambience_Figure (loop)
game.Workspace.Ambience_FigureEnd (end)
4. "Guiding Light" "Audio/heres a tip" (10460221938) game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.Health.Music.Blue
5. "Elevator Jam" "Audio/elevatormusic (1)" (7249833877) game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.PreRun.Music

Crucifix Vol. 2

No. Title Plays at Length BPM Key Track
1. "Jeff's Jingle" The radio at Jeff's shop. 2:05 (soundtrack)
2:00 (loop)
176 BPM E Minor Play (MP3) (source)
Play (MP3) (in-game)[note 2]
2. "Unhinged II" In The Electrical Room after opening the gate.[note 3] 3:03 (soundtrack)
0:42 (loop)
90 BPM F♯/G♭ Minor Play (MP3) (intense)
Play (MP3) (ambience)
3. "Elevator Jammed" The final cutscene when escaping the Hotel. 0:56 76 BPM G Minor Play (MP3)
4. "Curious Light" The death message by Curious Light in the The Rooms or The Backdoor. 0:59 148 BPM C Major Play (MP3)
5. "Trailer Theme - Remix" The Hotel+ Teaser Trailer and Update Trailer. 1:38 176 BPM G Minor See § Promotional soundtracks
6. "Elevator Jam - Remix" The Screech Plush promotional video. 1:27 146 BPM D♯/E♭ Minor See § Promotional soundtracks
"Jeff's Jingle" audio properties
  • MusicClose
    • RollOffMaxDistance: 50
    • RollOffMinDistance: 3
    • RollOffMode: LinearSquare
    • PlaybackSpeed: 1
    • Volume: 0.65
    • EqualizerSoundEffect
      • HighGain: 0
      • LowGain: -80
      • MidGain: 0
  • MusicFar
    • RollOffMaxDistance: 125
    • RollOffMinDistance: 5
    • RollOffMode: LinearSquare
    • PlaybackSpeed: 1
    • Volume: 0.65
    • EqualizerSoundEffect
      • HighGain: -80
      • LowGain: 3.7
      • MidGain: -80
    • ReverbSoundEffect
      • DecayTime: 2
      • Density: 1
      • Diffusion: 1
      • DryLevel: -3
      • WetLevel: -2
Additional information
No. Title Name[note 1] In-game location
1. "Jeff's Jingle" "among usp taunt" (6973423505) game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.52.ShopStuff.RadioShop.Hitbox.RadioShop (door 52 must be loaded)
2. "Unhinged II" "Audio/the big red man rage" (intense) (10472612727)
"Audio/FigureThemeEnd" (ambience) (12159119088)
game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.100.FigureSetup.AmbienceIntense (intense)
game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.100.FigureSetup.Ambience (ambience)
3. "Elevator Jammed" "Audio/theme_shortened" (8474472363) game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.RemoteListener.Cutscenes.Elevator1.EndMusic
4. "Curious Light" "Audio/heresatip-new" (10907273416) game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.Health.Music.Yellow

Modifiers Vol. 3

No. Title Plays at Length BPM Key Track
1. "Dusk Of The Doors" The exterior of the Lobby. 3:43 (soundtrack)
3:33 (loop)
0:20 (end)
72 BPM B Minor

or D Major

Play (MP3) (loop)
Play (MP3) (end)
2. "Jeff's Jingle - DNB Remix" The Buff Figure and King El Goblino Youtooz showcases. 1:53 88 BPM C Major See § Promotional soundtracks
3. "Make Haste" Throughout The Backdoor when Door -50 is opened.[note 4] 2:11 127 BPM E Minor Play (MP3) (official soundtrack)
Play (MP3) (in-game)
4. "Seek Merch Trailer Theme" The Seek figure promotional videos. 1:44 76 BPM D Minor See § Promotional soundtracks
5. "Elevator Jam - Retro Mode" From the radio in Door 0 of Retro Mode. 0:32 (source, soundtrack)
0:35 (in-game)

BPM, 146 BPM


Minor, Db/C# Minor

Play (MP3) (source)
Play (MP3) (in-game)[note 5]
6. "Elevator Jam - April Fools" When entering the Pre-Run shop on Hotel with the Voice Acting Modifier, or on the 2024 April Fools Event. 0:30 136 BPM D Major Play (MP3)
"Elevator Jam - Retro Mode" audio properties
  • RollOffMaxDistance: 60
  • RollOffMinDistance: 10
  • RollOffMode: InverseTapered
  • PlaybackSpeed: 0.937333345413208
  • Volume: 0.5
Additional information
No. Title Name[note 1] In-game location
1. "Dusk of the Doors" "Audio/DoorsLobbyMusicOutsideLore2" (16930446187) (loop)
"Audio/ScariestEndEver" (16932477901) (end)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Lobby.MusicOutside (loop)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Lobby.MusicOutsideEnd (end)
3. "Make Haste" "Audio/loserredo2" (16695384009) game.ReplicatedStorage.FloorClientStuff.ClientUpdatedModules.DigitalTimer.Music
5. "Elevator Jam - Retro Mode" "Audio/FloorTwoLeakTwo" (16916005922) game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.0.StartRadio.Part.PlaySound
6. "Elevator Jam - April Fools" "Audio/elevatormusicnewnewnewnwe" (16964478520) game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.PreRun.MusicHuman

Usage Vol. 4

No. Title Plays at Length BPM Key Track
1. "Ready or Not" During Seek Chase at the Mines. 4:44 (official soundtrack)
0:24 (intro)
0:50 (normal loop)
0:12 (cutscene)
0:26 (minecart loop 1)
0:50 (minecart loop 2)
0:22 (end)
151 D♯/E♭ Major Play (MP3) (official soundtrack)
Play (MP3) (intro)
Play (MP3) (normal loop)
Play (MP3) (cutscene)
Play (MP3) (minecart loop 1)
Play (MP3) (minecart loop 2)
Play (MP3) (end)
2. "Ready to Rumble" During the Nest in door 150. 3:19 (official soundtrack)
0:44 (intro)
0:25 (anchor A)
0:25 (anchor B)
0:25 (anchor C)
0:25 (anchor D)
0:25 (anchor E)
0:25 (grumble chase)
76 D♯/E♭ Major Play (MP3) (official soundtrack)
Play (MP3) (intro)
Play (MP3) (anchor A)
Play (MP3) (anchor B)
Play (MP3) (anchor C)
Play (MP3) (anchor D)
Play (MP3) (Anchor E used in multiplayer)
Play (MP3) (grumble chase)
3. "Jeff's Jam" During Jeff's shop in door 152. 2:04 100 D Minor Play (MP3)
4. "Oh Dam" During the Dam Seek boss fight in door 200. 3:06 (official soundtrack)
0:18 (intro)
0:25 (phase 1)
0:12 (phase 2)
0:25 (phase 3)
0:25 (end)
151 D♯/E♭ Major Play (MP3) (official soundtrack)
Play (MP3) (intro)
Play (MP3) (phase 1)
Play (MP3) (phase 2)
Play (MP3) (phase 3)
Play (MP3) (end)
5. "Fresh Air (Misspelled as Fresh Rain on Spotify and Apple Music), (Has a remix too)” During the End of Floor 2 after door 200. 1:55 (official soundtrack
1:55 (official soundtrack - ambience version)
0:53 (loop)
0:38 (end)
141 G Minor Play (MP3) (official soundtrack)
Play (MP3) (official soundtrack - ambience version)Play (MP3) (loop)
Play (MP3) (end)

Hiding In-game only

Some soundtracks in the game have not been officially released to streaming services.

Name[note 1] Plays at Length BPM Key Track
I'm Behind You

"Audio/im behind you (Filename)

During Halt's chase. 1:51 97 BPM E Major Play (MP3)

"Audio/closerFullAudio (1)" (main) (filename)
"Audio/closerEnd" (end) (filename)

During Dread's chase. 1:58 (main)
0:15 (end)
144 BPM E♭ Minor Play (MP3) (main)
Play (MP3) (end)
"Audio/loopsecret" Curious Light's ambience, plays from The Rooms' entrance, A-1000, exit doors and The Backdoor's exit doors. 0:48 148 BPM C Major Play (MP3)
"Audio/LoserEnd" Pulling a Timer Lever in The Backdoor. 0:17 96 BPM E Minor Play (MP3)
"Audio/loserambience" During Haste's chase when the Timer Lever in The Backdoor runs out. 0:21 107 BPM F Major Play (MP3) (source)
Play (MP3) (in-game)
TBA The ambience that plays in The Greenhouse. 1:06 59 BPM A Major Play
Audio/elevatorMinesHQ Inside the Elevator of The Mines. 0:42 (TRACK)

0:26 (LOOP)

148 BPM D Minor Play (TRACK)

Play (LOOP)

TBA The ambience that plays in The Rooms 1:00 Play
"Audio/loserambience" audio properties
  • RollOffMaxDistance: 20
  • RollOffMinDistance: 1
  • RollOffMode: InverseTapered
  • PlaybackSpeed: 1
  • Volume: 0.6
  • DistortionSoundEffect
    • Level: 0.63
  • EqualizerSoundEffect
    • HighGain: 6
    • LowGain: 3
    • MidGain: 0
Additional information
Name[note 1] In-game location
"Audio/im behind you" (10014083534) game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules.EntityModules.Shade.Music
"Audio/closerFullAudio (1)" (main) (11639057440)
"Audio/closerEnd" (end) (11638638410)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.RemoteListener.Modules.Dread.Ambience (main)
game.StarterGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game.RemoteListener.Modules.Dread.AmbienceEnd (end)
"Audio/loopsecret" (11091700958) game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.<Door Number>.RoomsDoor_Entrance.Door (entrance to The Rooms must be loaded)
"Audio/LoserEnd" (16695021133) game.ReplicatedStorage.FloorClientStuff.ClientUpdatedModules.DigitalTimer.MusicEnd
"Audio/loserambience" (16695425474) game.ReplicatedStorage.FloorClientStuff.ClientRemote.Haste.Ambience

Hiding Unused

Within the game's directory are audio files that are never programmed to play. Some notable ones are listed here.

Name[note 1] Description Length BPM Key Track
"Audio/courtyard_entrance" Despite its name, it does not play at The Courtyard. In-game, its instance has a PlaybackSpeed of 0.97. 0:40 (source)
0:42 (in-game)
139 C#/Db Minor Play (MP3) (source)
Play (MP3) (in-game)
"Audio/seekv2" Appears to be a scrapped version of Here I Come. Its upload date is three months after Here I Come, suggesting it was composed afterward. However, the Here I Come asset music has "v2 with beats" and this file also has "v2", meaning that this could be the instrumental version of Here I Come. It seems to be an early version of Seek's The Mines Chase. 2:10 151 D Minor Play (MP3)
The Damned This audio was found in the old files of the game. (1843640311) 4:17 TBA TBA Play (MP3)
Additional information
Name[note 1] In-game location
"Audio/courtyard_entrance" (7132953277) game.ReplicatedStorage.Sounds.LA_The Courtyard
"Audio/seekv2" (10944333705) game.Workspace.SeekMoving.Music

Crucifix Removed


The inaccessible "void" area beside The Reception of the Hotel. The neon white block emits music. Stylistic modifications have been made to the model for ease of viewing, including decreasing the opacity of walls, increasing the world brightness, and changing the material of the "void" from neon to plastic.

In previous versions of DOORS, an inaccessible void area existed beside The Reception of the Hotel, with a neon white block emitting this soundtrack. Unlike other soundtracks, this was not composed by Lightning_Splash, but is rather APM Music uploaded by Roblox.

Name[note 1] In-game location Length BPM Key Track
"The Angels Fountains 2" (1837403780) game.Workspace.CurrentRooms.0.Parts.VoidCollision.PlaySound 1:56 (source)
Variable (in-game)[note 6]
TBA TBA Play (MP3) (source)
Play (MP3) (in-game)
Audio properties
  • PlaySound
    • RollOffMaxDistance: 36
    • RollOffMinDistance: 2
    • RollOffMode: Linear
    • PlaybackSpeed: Variable[note 7]
    • Volume: 4
    • EqualizerSoundEffect
      • HighGain: 0
      • LowGain: -80
      • MidGain: 0
    • ReverbSoundEffect
      • DecayTime: 2.687
      • Density: 1
      • Diffusion: 1
      • DryLevel: -80
      • WetLevel: 0
  • PlaySound
    • RollOffMaxDistance: 75
    • RollOffMinDistance: 2
    • RollOffMode: Linear
    • PlaybackSpeed: Variable[note 7]
    • Volume: 4
    • EqualizerSoundEffect
      • HighGain: -80
      • LowGain: 0
      • MidGain: -80
    • ReverbSoundEffect
      • DecayTime: 2.687
      • Density: 1
      • Diffusion: 1
      • DryLevel: -80
      • WetLevel: 0

Modifiers Promotional soundtracks

These soundtracks were made exclusively to promote different media that directly relates to the game. These media include major updates and plushies. None of the soundtracks below can be found in the game through normal means.

Title Video Soundtrack Length BPM Key Track
"DOORS: Trailer Theme Extended"
Single 1:19 148 BPM A Major Play
"Trailer Theme - Remix"
Vol. 2 No. 5 1:38 176 BPM G Minor Play
"Elevator Jam - Remix"
Vol. 2 No. 6 1:27 146 BPM D♯/E♭ Minor Play
"Seek Merch Trailer Theme"
Vol. 3 No. 4 1:44 76 BPM D Minor Play
"Trailer Theme - Remix 2" (conjecture)
N/A 0:14 107 BPM D♯/E♭ Minor Play
"Doors Modifiers Trailer Music Extended" (conjecture)
N/A 1:30 80 BPM D♯/E♭ Minor Play
"Jeff's Jingle - DNB Remix"
Vol. 3 No. 2 1:53 88 BPM C Major Play
"Dawn of the Doors - Remix"
N/A 0:46 73 BPM B Major Play

Trivia Trivia

  • The Trailer Theme's first melody, the Guiding Light's melody, the Curious Light's melody, and Elevator Jammed's main melody contain a Leitmotif to Dawn of the Doors.
    • Leitmotif; a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.
    • Specifically Elevator Jammed's main melody having a leitmotif to Dawn of the Doors suggesting that the end of the hotel is only the beginning.
    • Fresh Air also uses this Leitmotif.
  • Another example of a Leitmotif is during the end cutscene where we first hear the Leitmotif of Dawn of the Doors, then when The Queen Grumble appears we hear a leitmotif to Ready to Rumble and than we hear a Leitmotif of Here I Come when Seek kills Her.
    • Oh Dam also contains a more instrumental Leitmotif to Here I Come due to the boss being Seek.
  • The community has come to unofficially refer to a certain entity by the name of its theme song, Guiding Light. The entity actually has no official name, though. The same goes for the Curious Light, having its theme song labelled as Curious Light in the second volume of the soundtrack.
  • There was a case of copyright infringement in early September 2022 where a user on Spotify known as Valentin was reuploading the soundtrack and copyrighting anyone who used the songs, even though it wasn't theirs. This was later resolved.
  • Lightning_Splash's favorite DOORS soundtrack is Make Haste.[1]
  • Most tracks have been "ripped" by SiIvaGunner, a popular collective of people who make parodies of games' soundtracks, mixing their theme with another meme or game soundtrack. More information can be found here.
    • Lightning_Splash has tweeted about this by embedding SiIvaGunner's rip of UNDERTALE's Hotel OST, whose theme was replaced with Elevator Jam's theme instead.[2]
  • Before the Hotel+ Update, FigureSetup.AmbienceIntense was an unused audio file located at the root of game.Workspace, named Ambience_FigureIntense.
  • Ghostly Wowzers is unsure where some of the in-game music is coming from within the Hotel. [3]
  • Lightning_Splash made the soundtracks in FL Studio.[4][5]
  • Jeff's Jingle is the theme that plays when using the "Jammin" modifier.
  • The newly added soundtrack for Seek's chase in The Mines contains a lot of similarity to Seekv2, heavily suggesting that it is a finalized & refined version of this soundtrack.
  • During Retro Mode two non-original musics can be heard, being Gothic (when the drakobloxxer spawn) and Happy Day In Robloxia (when you enter jeff shop on retro mode)
  • At the end of Unhinged, Unhinged II, Oh Dam, fresh air and Dread's theme you can hear a specific sound effect. If you slow the audio down to ~0.6, it sounds like one of Halt's whispers. It's most hearable in Dread's theme.
  • The Elevator Theme in The Mines is the same soundtrack as the Trailer Theme.

Gallery References

Gallery Notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 The name that is displayed in the Roblox Creator Store.
  2. As heard when three studs away from the radio or closer.
  3. The intense version plays for a few seconds after opening the gate, then switches to the ambient version. The intense version resumes once all the Breaker Switches are placed.
  4. Every Timer Lever pulled after the first rewinds the audio by the same amount of time added by the lever. The audio is temporarily muted when rewinding. Assuming the player has pulled a lever, the timer ends when the audio is at 2:00.
  5. With all in-game audio properties except with a Volume of 1.
  6. With the estimated PlaybackSpeed range of 0.175 to 0.225, the length can vary from 8:40 to 11:08.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Both audio instances are each given a random number when loaded, estimated to be between 0.175 to 0.225, which are then assigned to their PlaybackSpeed property. Once set, it will not change for the remainder of the session.
Behavior Entities
The Lobby
Curious LightSeekTimothyWindow
The Hotel
Floor 1
Guiding LightCurious LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGlitchHaltHideJackJeffRushScreechSeekShadowSnareTimothyVoidWindow
The Mines
Floor 2
Guiding LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGiggleGlitchGloombatsGrumbleHaltHideJackJeffQueen GrumbleRushScreechSeekShadowTimothyVoid
The Backdoor
Curious LightBlitzGlitchHasteLookman
The Rooms
Curious LightA-60A-90A-120Glitch
Door Locations
The Lobby
The Hotel Logo
The Hotel
Floor 1
ElevatorThe ReceptionThe Meeting RoomThe Grand HallwayThe LibraryJeff ShopThe BasementThe Dining HallThe InfirmaryThe CourtyardThe GreenhouseThe Electrical Room
The Mines Logo
The Mines
Floor 2
ElevatorThe AditThe ShaftsThe GrottoThe CavernsThe NestJeff ShopThe SewersThe Railway StationThe Sewage PipesThe DamThe Woods
The Backdoor
Room -51Two Gates RoomRoom -01
The Rooms
A-0000Exit RoomsA-1000
Usage Mechanics

Achievement AchievementsLaddre ClimbingDresser ContainersXbox Button X ControlsDeathicon Death ScreenSpeech DialogueSTAIR FloorsHIDING HidingINTERACTED InteractablesINTERACT LootingMODIFIERS ModifiersReviveicon RevivesGuidinglightrifticon RiftLockicon Room MechanicsCURRENCY Shops


DAMAGE DamageHEALTH HealthBetterInventoryIcon InventorySpeedboosticonicon Movement SpeedHerbherbherb Status Effects

KnobBoost BoostsKnobs CodesGold GoldKnobs Knobs

ALARMCLOCK Alarm ClockBandage BandagesImages-icon bandagepack Bandage PackChug Jug of Starlight Icon Barrel of StarlightBattery BatteriesBatteryPackORIGINAL Battery PackBottleStarLightNew Bottle of StarlightIcon Handheld Flashlight BulklightCandleimage CandlePlaceholderUnofficialCandyCornItem CandyBreakerSwitch Circuit Breaker SwitchesCrucifiximage CrucifixElectrical Room Key Electrical Room KeyFlashlight backdoor update FlashlightFuse icon FusesGlowstick Icon2 GlowstickCrucifixApril Holy Hand GrenadeLaserPointerIcon Laser PointerLibrary Book Library BookIcon lighter2 LighterIcon lockpick2 LockpickMini shield icon real Mini Shield PotionScanner Icon NVCS-3000PossesedCandleIcon Possessed CandlePuzzle Painting Puzzle PaintingKeyimage Room KeyIcon Shakelight ShakelightShearsIcon ShearsBig sheild pot Shield PotionSkeletonkeyimage Skeleton KeySolution Paper Solution PaperAnglehead Icon StraplightHackers Favorite Items Tip JarStar Vial Vial of StarlightIcon vitamins Vitamins

Puzzles Miscellaneous
2023 April Fools Event2024 April Fools EventTHE HUNT - First Edition2024 Trick Or Treat Event
AchievementsCodesContainersDamageFeaturesFloorsGame MechanicsGame SettingsHealthHidingInteractablesItemsLeversList of EntitiesList of HazardsList of LocationsList of Room MechanicsMerchandiseModifiersPadlocksPaintingsRemoved ContentSecretsSoundtracksStatus EffectsThe Three ArchitectsUpcoming ContentUpdate Logs
Game Development
DOORSGhostly_Wowzersjasper_creationsLightning_SplashLSPLASHNormallyAverageRediblesQWUpdate Logs
MakeshipThe RoomsPLS DONATEYoutoozTower Heroes CollabUntitled Tag Game CollabTales Of Tanorio Collab