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DoorLocations Door
The Reception <─
The Meeting Room

The Meeting Room, also known as the Painting Puzzle Room and formerly known as The Dining Room, is the only room apart from The Library and The Electrical Room in The Hotel with a set puzzle. It will appear randomly during runs varying between 1-3 times.

Overview Overview

To exit the Meeting Room, players must take the Paintings and put them where the frame is outlined on the wall. The outlines will be light blue and are shown by Guiding Light. Once all the paintings are in their respective places, the fireplace will move down with a click and the next door will be revealed.

Trivia Trivia

  • The chances of the room spawning in are 2% ().
  • Eyes can spawn in this room. It is a chance.
  • This room will sometimes not have the table and chairs in the center.
  • 3 out of the 4 paintings names in this level are unknown. The tall painting is called "This Is Not A Violin".
  • Two paintings can be stacked in the same place.
    • To accomplish this, take a painting that is, for example, in the rectangular space while another player places another painting in that location. A few seconds later, the paintings will be stacked
  • A player can take a Painting from the Painting Puzzle Room and carry it beyond the room, but it will eventually disappear after about 20 seconds and appear back in its original location.
  • It is possible to complete a run without the Painting Puzzle Room spawning in. But it is likely that the player is guaranteed to get this room.
    • This means that it's the only Puzzle Location that is not guaranteed to spawn.
  • This room can spawn as early as Door 10.
  • It is not possible for Rush or Ambush to spawn in the room, however, they can still enter the room.
    • As of the Hotel+ Update, it may be possible for Rush or Ambush to spawn here if a closet is present.
      • If Rush or Ambush is about to come through the Painting Puzzle Room and there is a table in the room, players can hide in between the chair that is pulled away from the table and survive. This has been patched.
  • In rare cases, a painting can be placed in its correct position without the player carrying it.
  • Guiding Lights' hints on the walls are still visible even with the Gone Fishing modifier.
  • There are 6 possible spawn locations for the paintings.
  • You can hold on to painting without putting them down to stall other players.
    • After 20 seconds the painting will be teleported back onto the wall giving other players a chance to grab it.

Gallery Gallery

Behavior Entities
The Lobby
Curious LightSeekTimothyWindow
The Hotel
Floor 1
Guiding LightCurious LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGlitchHaltHideJackJeffRushScreechSeekShadowSnareTimothyVoidWindow
The Mines
Floor 2
Guiding LightAmbushBobDreadDupeEl GoblinoEyesFigureGiggleGlitchGloombatsGrumbleHaltHideJackJeffQueen GrumbleRushScreechSeekShadowTimothyVoid
The Backdoor
Curious LightBlitzGlitchHasteLookman
The Rooms
Curious LightA-60A-90A-120Glitch
Door Locations
The Lobby
The Hotel
Floor 1
ElevatorThe ReceptionThe Meeting RoomThe Grand HallwayThe LibraryJeff ShopThe BasementThe Dining HallThe InfirmaryThe CourtyardThe GreenhouseThe Electrical Room
The Mines
Floor 2
ElevatorThe AditThe ShaftsThe GrottoThe CavernsThe NestJeff ShopThe SewersThe Railway StationThe Sewage PipesThe DamThe Woods
The Backdoor
Room -51Two Gates RoomRoom -01
The Rooms
A-0000Exit RoomsA-1000
Usage Mechanics

Icons ladder Climbing Dresser ContainersXbox Button X ControlsBEHAVIOR0 Death ScreenSpeech DialogueHIDING HidingReceptionBell InteractablesINTERACT LootingMODIFIERS ModifiersReviveicon RevivesRift Door100 RiftLockdoor Room MechanicsCURRENCY Shops


DAMAGE DamageHEALTH HealthBetterInventoryIcon InventorySpeedboosticon Movement SpeedHerbherbherb Status Effects

KnobBoost BoostsKnobs CodesGold GoldKnobs Knobs

ALARMCLOCK Alarm ClockBandage BandagesImages-icon bandagepack Bandage PackChug Jug of Starlight Icon Barrel of StarlightBattery BatteriesBatteryPackORIGINAL Battery PackBottleStarLightNew Bottle of StarlightIcon Handheld Flashlight BulklightIcon candle CandleBreakerSwitch Circuit Breaker SwitchesIcon crucifix2 CrucifixElectrical Room Key Electrical Room KeyFlashlight backdoor update FlashlightFuse icon FusesGlowstick Icon2 GlowstickCrucifixApril Holy Hand GrenadeLaserPointerIcon Laser PointerLibrary Book Library BookIcon lighter2 LighterIcon lockpick2 LockpickMini shield icon real Mini Shield PotionScanner Icon NVCS-3000PossesedCandleIcon Possessed CandlePuzzle Painting Puzzle PaintingIcon key2BackdoorKeyRetro Key Room KeyIcon Shakelight ShakelightShearsIcon ShearsBig sheild pot Shield PotionIcon skeletonkey2 Skeleton KeySolution Paper Solution PaperAnglehead Icon StraplightStar Vial Vial of StarlightIcon vitamins Vitamins

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